The Internet has revolutionized business and you need a presence to make money in the digital age. With the worlds best Internet marketing tools, you can make a lot of money.
Best Internet Marketing Tools
Most businesses build sites without really having a clue regarding how to go about it. The first step in developing a business site is not building it. Instead, you have to focus on the internet marketing aspect of the business and design accordingly. To this end, there are two tools that can be considered the worlds best internet marketing tools.
The single biggest internet marketing tool you need to become familiar with is Wordtracker. This tool is the proverbial golden egg of Internet marketing. Wordtracker lets you take a keyword and find out all the phrases people are using that incorporate the keyword. You can then take the list of keywords and find out how many searches are occurring on any of the big search engines – Yahoo, Google and MSN. On top of this, you can also determine how difficult it will be to get top rankings for the keyword phrases through search engine optimization.
Wordtracker is a great tool because it allows you to determine if there is a market for your idea before you waste time and money on it. It can also be used to come up with ideas for sites. You simply type in a keyword like “travel” and see if there is a niche with a lot of traffic and a nominal amount of competition for rankings. If you find the niche, you tailor a business idea to it and make a boatload of money.
Wordtracker costs less than $8 a day and you can buy access for a single day. The better approach is to buy a year subscription so you can use it over and over as you build out your site. Used correctly, Wordtracker will keep you from wasting time on bad ideas while also giving you insight into the needs of your prospects. The key to making money is to simply solve those needs on your site. You can check out Wordtracker here:
Word Tracker
As if Wordtracker isn’t enough, there is a second tool that you will come to love. The second item of the worlds best internet tools is the article directory. Actually, there are hundreds of article directories, but lets focus on the concept for the moment.
The key to being really profitable on the Internet is getting free traffic. You do this through search engine optimization or by getting publicity. With either area, this has traditionally been accomplished through link trading. Essentially, you agree to put another persons link on your site in exchange for them doing the same with yours. As you might imagine, it takes a long time to build up enough links to get high rankings and publicity. Article directories solve this problem, which makes them great internet marketing tools.
An article directory is exactly what it sounds like. You write an article and deposit it in the directory. Webmaster and editors from all over the world search the directories looking for content for their sites. When they republish your article, you get free publicity. Even better, you will create links in the author area of your article and they will publish those on their site as well. A single article can produce anywhere from 50 to 2,000 links for your site. It beats the hell out of link trading.
Everyone has an opinion regarding the worlds best internet marketing tools. The value of Wordtracker and article directories, however, is not an opinion on our part. Their value is an established every time we look at our business bank account.
Rabu, 12 Desember 2007
Best Internet Marketing Tools
Promosi “BISNIS” di Search Engine
Cara promosi ini adalah untuk mendaftarkan URL website anda ke beberapa search engine agar di indeks/dipasang di search engine tersebut dan ditampilkan ketika ada seseorang yang menggunakan fasilitas search engine untuk mencari situs-situs yang mereka kehendaki, yang paling banyak di kunjungi adalah Yahoo! dan Google.
Untuk memasang alamat website anda di Yahoo! caranya sbb :
Silahkan klik
Kemudian klik "Submit Your Site for Free" dan masukkan alamat email yahoo! anda dan ikuti petunjuknya.
Atau submit melalui dengan cara sbb:
Silahkan klik kemudian pilih 'Basic Submit' dan masukkan alamat email yahoo! anda dan ikuti petunjuknya.
Untuk memasang alamat website anda di Google caranya sbb :
Silahkan klik
Kemudian isi URL dengan alamat website yang akan disubmit, dan Comment dengan pesan yang ingin anda sampaikan.
Pasanglah alamat website anda tersebut di yahoo! maupun di google sebulan sekali, karena jika anda pasang terlalu sering akan dianggap sebagai 'SPAM', dan website anda tidak akan diindex / ditampilkan.