Cara mencari file.3gp
ketikkan perintah di bawah ini lewat kotak pencarian google [ bisa lewat kotak google dibawah]:
*Membuka directori file 3gp:
-inurl:htm -inurl:html -inurl:asp intitle:”index of” 3gp
*Mencari file 3gp secara lebih specifik:
filetype:3gp inurl:3gp
Dengan sedikit menambahkan perintah tambahan anda bisa menemukan file yang lebih khusus lagi sesuai idaman anda.
Sebagai contoh, Anda ingin mencari video 3gp yang berhubungan dengan lagu dangdut. Silahkan ketik perintah berikut, jadi monggo di ganti kata terakhir (dangdut) dengan kata kunci yang anda inginkan :
filetype:3gp inurl:3gp dangdut
Rabu, 26 Desember 2007
Cara mencari file.3gp di internet
Rabu, 12 Desember 2007
Best Internet Marketing Tools
The Internet has revolutionized business and you need a presence to make money in the digital age. With the worlds best Internet marketing tools, you can make a lot of money.
Best Internet Marketing Tools
Most businesses build sites without really having a clue regarding how to go about it. The first step in developing a business site is not building it. Instead, you have to focus on the internet marketing aspect of the business and design accordingly. To this end, there are two tools that can be considered the worlds best internet marketing tools.
The single biggest internet marketing tool you need to become familiar with is Wordtracker. This tool is the proverbial golden egg of Internet marketing. Wordtracker lets you take a keyword and find out all the phrases people are using that incorporate the keyword. You can then take the list of keywords and find out how many searches are occurring on any of the big search engines – Yahoo, Google and MSN. On top of this, you can also determine how difficult it will be to get top rankings for the keyword phrases through search engine optimization.
Wordtracker is a great tool because it allows you to determine if there is a market for your idea before you waste time and money on it. It can also be used to come up with ideas for sites. You simply type in a keyword like “travel” and see if there is a niche with a lot of traffic and a nominal amount of competition for rankings. If you find the niche, you tailor a business idea to it and make a boatload of money.
Wordtracker costs less than $8 a day and you can buy access for a single day. The better approach is to buy a year subscription so you can use it over and over as you build out your site. Used correctly, Wordtracker will keep you from wasting time on bad ideas while also giving you insight into the needs of your prospects. The key to making money is to simply solve those needs on your site. You can check out Wordtracker here:
Word Tracker
As if Wordtracker isn’t enough, there is a second tool that you will come to love. The second item of the worlds best internet tools is the article directory. Actually, there are hundreds of article directories, but lets focus on the concept for the moment.
The key to being really profitable on the Internet is getting free traffic. You do this through search engine optimization or by getting publicity. With either area, this has traditionally been accomplished through link trading. Essentially, you agree to put another persons link on your site in exchange for them doing the same with yours. As you might imagine, it takes a long time to build up enough links to get high rankings and publicity. Article directories solve this problem, which makes them great internet marketing tools.
An article directory is exactly what it sounds like. You write an article and deposit it in the directory. Webmaster and editors from all over the world search the directories looking for content for their sites. When they republish your article, you get free publicity. Even better, you will create links in the author area of your article and they will publish those on their site as well. A single article can produce anywhere from 50 to 2,000 links for your site. It beats the hell out of link trading.
Everyone has an opinion regarding the worlds best internet marketing tools. The value of Wordtracker and article directories, however, is not an opinion on our part. Their value is an established every time we look at our business bank account.
Promosi “BISNIS” di Search Engine
Cara promosi ini adalah untuk mendaftarkan URL website anda ke beberapa search engine agar di indeks/dipasang di search engine tersebut dan ditampilkan ketika ada seseorang yang menggunakan fasilitas search engine untuk mencari situs-situs yang mereka kehendaki, yang paling banyak di kunjungi adalah Yahoo! dan Google.
Untuk memasang alamat website anda di Yahoo! caranya sbb :
Silahkan klik
Kemudian klik "Submit Your Site for Free" dan masukkan alamat email yahoo! anda dan ikuti petunjuknya.
Atau submit melalui dengan cara sbb:
Silahkan klik kemudian pilih 'Basic Submit' dan masukkan alamat email yahoo! anda dan ikuti petunjuknya.
Untuk memasang alamat website anda di Google caranya sbb :
Silahkan klik
Kemudian isi URL dengan alamat website yang akan disubmit, dan Comment dengan pesan yang ingin anda sampaikan.
Pasanglah alamat website anda tersebut di yahoo! maupun di google sebulan sekali, karena jika anda pasang terlalu sering akan dianggap sebagai 'SPAM', dan website anda tidak akan diindex / ditampilkan.
Senin, 10 Desember 2007
make money from earn profit earning affiliate programs
make money from earn profit earning affiliate programs
There is no doubt that the most successful group amongst online entrepreneurs are affiliates. Few are willing to go public about it but it is widely known that that there are a number of affiliates comfortably raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in income every year. Actually there is one very powerful advantage that online entrepreneurs involved in affiliate programs have over their counterparts earning from their own ecommerce web sites. And that is the fact that people are usually bound to believe a person referring another web site to them much more easily and quickly than one trying to promote their own site. This coupled with the fact that the Internet is an amazingly powerful referral marketing tool has made the rise of online affiliates phenomenal within such a short time.
But there is one major stumbling block that affiliates face today. And that is how to advertise their programs or how to generate enough sales leads. To be successful in any online venture a person needs numerous leads on an ongoing basis, that way they will have a chance of turning as many of them as possible into actual sales. Many affiliates generate leads by finding ways of harvesting email addresses of visitors to their web sites to create an opt-in email list which they then use as leads to refer to their affiliate sites. This is usually done via special links to the sites that identify the particular affiliate through which a visitor arrived at a certain site.
The more prosperous affiliates use pay-per-click ads. The effectiveness of these ads is being eroded daily by the increasing number of fraudsters and scum artists who have invaded pay-per-click ads in droves. This has meant that out of the total click-throughs a person receives and has to pay for, an increasingly horrifying percentage are generated by fraudsters who have no intention of buying anything from the advertised web site. That leaves one extremely effective form of online advertising that is in fact free. This is free articles posted at various targeted high traffic web sites. The net is full of experts and many of them have been quoted as saying that articles alone are not enough to generate the sort of traffic that brings success. My advice is that people should not be too quick to comment on and pass sweeping judgment on subjects that they have only had brief experiences in. As you read this there are an increasing number of online entrepreneurs making serious money online using only articles as their marketing tool. Including the writer of this particular article. The other thing that has caused many to doubt the effectiveness of articles is the fact that they are free. Free but effective? Does it not sound too good to be true?
Actually although using articles as a marketing tool is free, you will be required to spend time putting in lots of hard work consistently, to really reap the rewards. So there is a price to pay after all, although it is not in the form of hard cash. In fact in many cases, used skillfully, articles can be much more effective than web sites in generating quality leads. Here’s how.
While there are many different paths you can take to making money with Affiliate Programs online, it is not as easy as the so-called professionals say it is, but it can be done. Infact, many people are doing it and making a large impact on their incomes. Did you know that the largest mistake that people make with affiliate programs is that they join too many programs at one time. This is the number one reason why affiliates do not make enough money online. Be sure not to fall into the same category as those people.
Having studied affiliate marketing for some time now, one thing that is learned quickly si that promotion methods can and do change every day. We will provide you with a few things that you will and should learn to get the edge in the affiliate market: · You will need to learn what programs to stay away from and how to choose an affiliate program that is right for you.
· Find out from others what works and what does not work, many times you will have to test things for yourself. Trial and error works, and when someone else has already done it, then this becomes easier for you. With so many people getting into affiliate marketing, because there is usually no cost to join the program, eighty percent of the revenue made is by twenty percent of the affiliate marketers. With effort, persistence, determination and drive, you too can be one of the people making the money online in affiliate marketing.
The fact is that many Affiliates earn more money each day than most people do in a month. The potential is a definite thing and more and more people are discovering the advantages of staying home and making money online through affiliate programs.
Affiliate programs are one of the web's most effective marketing techniques. They create a win-win situation by which site A refers a visitor to site B, and site B pays site A a commission if that visitor purchases something. If you are the referrer site (affiliate), you can make money with no overhead (no product, no warehouse, no collection risk). On the other hand, the destination site receives a steady stream of qualified leads from hundreds, maybe thousands of affiliate sites, and doesn't have to spend a dime unless a visitor purchases something.
1) Resist the temptation to add too many affiliate links. Affiliate link overkill confuses visitors and hurts credibility. You want your visitors to view your site as a value-adding destination and not just a cheesy sales site. Recommend links to products you have tried, or that come from good, solid companies. Don't recommend something you don't know just because you're getting paid. Give your visitors the best advice and they will reward you.
2) If you write articles for your website, try not to include the affiliate links in the body of your articles: it will give the impression that you have a vested interest in recommending them. You want your visitors to trust your advice, so don't turn your article into an excuse to promote products and make a commission. It's OK to include affiliate links, but do it on a side bar or on a resource table. Whenever possible, link to your affiliate partners with text links (since banner ad click-through is at its lower rate ever, and people tend to ignore banners).
3) Include only affiliate links that are related to your business and the topic of interest to your visitors. Links to unrelated products will not generate good leads for the destination sites (and therefore won't be a source of significant commissions for you), so they are best avoided.
4) Managing your affiliate programs can be a hassle if you have to deal with many different companies. Try to sign up with a site that administers many affiliate programs to chose from (one of the best out there are Commission Junction [] and []). These sites give you hundreds of affiliate programs to chose from, and act as a one-stop shop where you can sign up with multiple vendors using only one account and receiving one consolidated commission check.
5) Chose affiliate partners that offer long term cookies. A cookie is a mechanism that allows the destination site to know when a visitor is referred by your site. A long term cookie (for example, a three months cookie) means that a visitor who follows a link to one of your affiliate partners today but doesn't purchase anything, can come back and purchase at anytime during the next three months and you will still be paid a commission. The best programs are those who offer unlimited cookies (although there are not so many of them around). However, a 90-day cookie or more is very good.
6) Link directly to the product page and not to the main page of the destination site. If you link to the main page, the visitor will have to find its way to the product and may not find it, making you lose commissions. By linking directly to the product, you will increase the prospects of the visitor buying the product (and of you making a commission). Many destination sites, like Amazon, recognize this fact and offer a higher commission to affiliates that link directly to the product pages than to those who only link to the main page.
Yes, you can make money with an adult pay per click affiliate program. I know because I get checks every month in excess of a thousand dollars. These type of affiliate programs have a bad rap for not paying webmasters and accusing them of cheating. Stick with trusted sponsors and follow the affiliate guidelines and terms of the sponsor and you will make money.
and close them as fast as possible resulting in no profits generated for you or your affiliate sponsor. I send my sponsors decent traffic and I make money.
Most affiliate programs value productive webmasters. Keep in touch with your sponsor. If he or she doesn't answer respond to questions or inqueries find another program. A good sponsor will take the time to keep a good relationship with it's webmasters. I always email them for a phone contact so I get get to know them and if there is a problem work it out with them